2nd Call



(Prague, Czech Republic, 24 – 28 May 2017)

The theme of the conference: Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora

The conference will follow the typical ICAME format and the academic programme will comprise pre-conference workshop sessions, plenary lectures and dedicated sessions, full papers, work-in-progress reports, software demonstrations and a poster session. Full details are available at the conference website: https://icame.ff.cuni.cz/

The following speakers have agreed to give plenaries at the conference:

  • Jan Čermák and Ondřej Tichý, Charles University
  • Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Université catholique de Louvain
  • Michaela Mahlberg, University of Birmingham
  • Michael Stubbs, Universität Trier
  • Wolfgang Teubert, University of Birmingham

In addition to that John Kirk and Gerald Nelson will convene a plenary session dedicated to ICE corpora.

Call for Papers

We invite submissions of abstracts for papers that are in line with the overall aims of ICAME and reflect the conference theme Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora. While English is the main target language, it is also possible to present work on contrastive aspects involving languages other than English. Language learning issues are also part of the ICAME repertoire.

  • Full papers will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion;
  • Work-in-progress reports will be allowed 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion;
  • Posters: presenters will briefly (5 minutes) introduce their posters during a special session; posters must be maximum A0 size (portrait), and will be on display during the whole conference;
  • Software presentations will be allowed 30 minutes.

Abstracts should be between 400 and 500 words long (excluding references). Authors may submit a maximum of two abstract if at least one of these is co-authored. The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of January 2017.  The online submission system is now open at the conference website. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2016.

If you wish to get in touch with the organizers, please use the following e-mail address:

Úvod > Calls and Circulars > 2nd Call