to be held in Prague, Czech Republic
on 24 – 28 May 2017
The theme of the conference is Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora
The conference will follow the typical ICAME format: on Wednesday, we will start with pre-conference workshops (which may start before lunch), which will be followed by the first plenary lecture and a welcome reception. Other regulars include the boat trip on Friday afternoon and the gala dinner on Saturday evening. The conference will end at lunchtime on Sunday.
The conference will be held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The venue is in the city centre, overlooking the Vltava River and the Prague Castle, within easy reach from most parts of the city by the underground or by other means of public transport. Links to several accommodation options will be provided at the conference website before registration opens.
The programme will comprise workshop sessions, four plenary lectures, full papers, work-in-progress reports, and a poster session.
The following speakers have agreed to give plenaries at the conference:
We invite submissions of abstracts for papers that reflect – but are not limited to – the conference theme Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora.
Abstracts should be between 400 and 500 words long (excluding references). Authors may submit a maximum of two abstract if at least one of these is co-authored. The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of January 2017. The online submission system will open in November. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2016.
Pre-conference workshops will be held on Wednesday 24 May 2017. If you would like to convene a workshop, please send your proposal containing a short description (about 400 words) directly to the organizers at . Please include an estimate of the number of participants (i.e. how much time you need for the workshop). If more time is needed the workshops can start before lunch on Wednesday.
The deadline for submission of workshop proposals is 15 October 2016. If you have already sent us your proposal there is no need to re-send it, unless you would like to make some changes. The convenors will be notified of the acceptance of their workshop (and time allotted) by the end of October.
The local organising committee consists of Anna Čermáková, Markéta Malá, Marcela Šaldová, Pavlína Šaldová and Ondřej Tichý
If you wish to get in touch with the organizers, please use the following e-mail address
All relevant information about the conference will be posted on
We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!
The ICAME 38 team