Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora
(Prague, Czech Republic, 24 – 28 May 2017)
Dear ICAMErs,
This year’s ICAME, i.e. ICAME 38 in Prague, is approaching and preparations are making good progress, which you can follow on our website: The registration site will open very soon.
We received a total of 193 abstract submissions, many more than we could accept. Each abstract was blind-reviewed by two reviewers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Programme Committee and ICAME Board members for reviewing the abstracts. In the end, we accepted 102 full papers and work-in-progress reports, 7 software presentations, and 14 posters. A preliminary schedule will be soon available on the conference website. There will also be four pre-conference workshops, which had separate reviewing and acceptance procedures by the workshop governors.
We have opted for an all-inclusive registration fee (excluding accommodation). We have been able to negotiate good prices, including accommodation, and we were also lucky in securing and extra support from the City of Prague and an additional support from ICAME traditional supporter John Benjamins Publishing Company.
The registration fee includes all coffee breaks, lunches (including a boat lunch), a river cruise on Friday, the opening reception and concert in Carolinum on Wednesday and the gala dinner on Saturday. Additional optional social programme, which will be available for Friday afternoon and evening, will be charged separately, for details see below and at our website.
The Early Registration fee is 275 EUR and is valid until the end of March. After that it will be 320 EUR. Please note that it is not possible to opt out of the gala dinner, nor is it possible to book individual days of attendance.
The conference venue itself (Faculty of Arts) is right in the city centre, which means it has excellent and reliable transport connections from anywhere. The weekend 27. 5. – 28. 5. is the ‘Himmelfahrt’ holiday and on this holiday Prague is an extremely favourite destination for German speaking tourists. This means that it was impossible to have only one or two conference hotels. Hotels are generally overbooked with prices going up for that weekend. We have, in the end, managed to book rooms in several nice hotels within reasonable distance from the venue. And, we have managed to negotiate very good prices for you. However, we strongly recommend to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible. The quota of rooms we have booked are booked for us for these prices only until the end of February. After that we will not unfortunately be able to assist you with accommodation. The prices below have been individually negotiated and you will need to do the booking together with the registration for the conference, where you will find further instructions. Please have your preferred choice(s) of hotels ready when registering. Please note that it is not possible to make your own reservation at the hotels. If you need extra nights before and after the conference, or for non-attending partner, please specify this while booking accommodation for yourself. You can find the selection of the hotels at our website. We strongly recommend the two first options:
Hotel Ibis Wenceslas Square ***, with single room from EUR 95,- and shared room from EUR 99,-
Hotel Andel´s ****, with single room from EUR 125,- and shared shared room EUR 125,-
We understand that for some it may be a disappointment that most of the hotels are not within easy walking distance. However, Prague public transport is reliable, efficient, safe, clean, cheap and often the quickest option to travel around the city. The underground (metro) runs until midnight and trams run all night long. There are four types of tickets: the basic ticket for 32,- Czech crowns valid for 90 minutes, reduced ticket for 24 crowns valid for 30 minutes and one-day ticket for 110 crowns or 3-day ticket for 310 crowns.
The ICAME constitution stipulates that no more than 200 participants can attend the conference. Due to the popularity of the pre-conference workshops (which do count towards the total number of participants) and a fairly large number of speakers with co-presenters at the main conference, we will therefore initially open registration only to delegates that have papers accepted for the conference or a pre-conference workshop, or have some other active role at the conference. They will find their name in the scroll-down menu of the registration form, which will allow to proceed with the online registration. However, if you already know that you will have a non-presenting partner accompanying you at the conference, please do book the accommodation already at this stage (= during February) for them as well to avoid disappointment. If your partner would like to attend the conference and/or the social programme (i.e. the welcome concert and reception, boat cruise with lunch, conference dinner) please let us know at by the end of February at the latest. Should you have any problems during the registration, please do not hesitate to contact as. Please note that if you do not register by the deadline (end of February), your slot will be made available for registration on a first-come-first-served basis (in March). After February the registration will open for other delegates, still with the Early bird registration fee until the end of March.
After submitting your online registration, you will be redirected to PayPal for online payment. After the payment you will receive the payment confirmation (invoice) from us. The accommodation will be invoiced and payed separately later (you will receive accommodation confirmation by email).
The conference will follow the typical ICAME format starting on Wednesday morning with pre-conference workshops, which will be running at the main conference venue, the Faculty of Arts (náměstí Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, metro Staroměstská). In the late afternoon the conference will open with the first plenary lecture, which will be followed by a concert and an opening reception in the old university building Carolinum at Ovocný trh 5, Praha 1 (within walking distance from the main venue, where the registration will also take place). All the following days will begin with a plenary lecture. There will also be one additional, special plenary session devoted to ICE corpora convened by John Kirk and Gerald Nelson. Friday is the usual boat day, and this year will be no exception. The boat cruise will be on the Vltava river and will include lunch. There will be an offer of additional optional social programme for Friday afternoon (after the boat trip) and evening. The gala dinner will be on Saturday and we will still have main conference sessions on Sunday morning.
The following speakers have agreed to give plenaries at the conference:
Wednesday: Michael Stubbs, Universität Trier
If you have any specific questions about registration or any other aspect of the conference, please contact us at
We very much look forward to seeing you all in Prague soon!
ICAME 38 organising team